Do you have a sweet tooth? Do your teeth cringe in pain every time you try to enjoy a sweet treat? It means that the enamel of your teeth is damaged. This makes your teeth sensitive to sweets and other food. Teeth sensitive to sugar can be treated by undergoing dental treatment by visiting best dentist in Jaipur.
Causes of Teeth Sensitivity to Sugar
The inside of your tooth is primarily made of Dentin. It is protected by hard outer layer of enamel. The portion of dentin extending down the root is protected by a layer of cementum. When this protective layer of enamel or cementum erodes, nerve endings are left exposed causing dentin hypersensitivity or nerve irritation on consumption of hot, cold, sticky or acidic food.
Causes of Sensitive Teeth
Tooth erosion is caused due to:
- Consumption of highly acidic foods and beverages.
- Brushing aggressively with hard toothbrush having a hard grip.
- Grinding teeth at night.
- Receding gums that leave the tooth surface exposed.
- Broken teeth, tooth decay or leaky fillings leave the dentin of the tooth exposed resulting in teeth sensitivity.