Tuesday 5 February 2019

Avail Latest Dental Treatments at Best Dental Clinic in Jaipur

Oral health is an important & often overlooked component of a person’s overall health & well-being.  People are often unaware of the fact that oral hygiene can directly impact a person’s overall health in very direct ways. A healthy mouth & healthy body go hand in hand. It is rightly said “You are not healthy without good oral health” & is backed by various scientific evidences. Maintaining proper oral hygiene & paying regular visits to the best dental clinic in Jaipur is therefore deemed vital as it does more than just ensure you have a bright, white smile.

Some people however don’t look forward to dental appointments because of dental anxiety or phobia that result in avoidance of dental care. A trip to dentists is often anticipated to involve drills, pain & discomfort. As the technology is constantly evolving people with this unreasonable fear need to reconsider this old stereotype. Let us sneak a peek on the emerging dental technologies that intend to make patient’s experience comfortable.

Latest Dental Technologies

Dental Treatments in Jaipur make use of new technologies in dentistry to ensure world-class service to all our patients. These include:

Laser dentistry:

The discomforts involved in the dental procedures like filling cavities, reducing tooth sensitivity, teeth whitening etc can be eliminated by this powerful & safe no-drill dentistry. Laser dentistry is quick, painless & can effectively eliminate any form of bacteria without any complications. Moreover, multiple procedures can be scheduled for the patients on the same visit to the best dental clinic in Jaipur. Hence anyone who seeks a quick & comfortable experience with the dentist, laser dentistry is a viable option.

Digital X-Rays:

Dental X- rays were traditionally performed by a radiogram that exposed teeth to lots of harmful radiations. Digital X-rays on the contrary are faster and contain up to 90% less radiation. Moreover digital X-rays provide a clearer image of a person’s mouth to better asses & educate the patients regarding their oral health.


It is an enhanced Oral assessment system that centers on a handheld scope used by dentists to help visualize oral tissue abnormalities including cancer & pre cancer. The device is sensitive to abnormal tissue changes & the distinctive blue spectrum light causes the tissue to naturally fluoresce making it easier for dentists to detect any abnormalities.

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Monday 21 January 2019

Brighten Up Your Smile with Dentist Teeth Cleaning Treatment by Best Dentist in Vaishali Nagar Jaipur

Keeping the teeth clean is a cinch, however oral health ranks among one of the most undervalued aspects of a person’s overall health. Ignoring the condition of your teeth & gums could lead to a legion of oral health issues.
Many people have cold feet about dentist teeth cleaning treatment. Their anxiety & apprehension can be clearly understood due to reasons such as the prodding, strange noises & occasional jaw discomfort caused during teeth cleaning procedure. But for most of the people, dentist teeth cleaning is a child’s play & painless.
Learning what exactly happens during dentist teeth cleaning treatment can alleviate your stress level & allow you to cherish the after results. 

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Teeth cleaning refer to professional teeth cleaning treatment by a certified dentist that aims to remove plaque, tartar & stains accumulated on the teeth. In other words, a dentist teeth cleaning is a top-notch weapon in the anti-plaque – anti gum disease arsenal.
An at-home oral hygiene routine like brushing & flossing of your teeth & gums protects against plaque, but just for a time. Tartar & plaque can develop on the surface of the teeth & along the gum-line.
Regular teeth cleaning and polishing is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene of your teeth & gums. According to most of the dentists, having your teeth professionally cleaned every 6-12 months can reduce the probability of periodontal disease progressing.
Similarly, reports from the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) have shown that a professional teeth cleaning at least twice a year can improve your oral health to a large extent.
Book a teeth cleaning appointment with the best dentist in Vaishali Nagar Jaipur
today to get a remarkable teeth cleaning treatment.

What Happens During Dentist Teeth Cleaning?

A dentist teeth cleaning procedure involves diagnostic & preventive services and even educational information from the dentist.
Here is a list of some prominent procedures involved in a dentist teeth cleaning:
  1. A Physical Examination of Teeth by Dental Professional: A dental hygienist uses a small mirror to examine patient’s entire mouth, teeth & gums for signs of inflammation, plaque, tartar or other potential oral health concerns. Other processes may involve oral cancer examination & screening, evaluation of gum tissue, biting, chewing & swallowing patterns check and referral to specialists in case major problems are detected.
  2. Removal of Tartar & Plaque: Following the detection of any plaque/tartar, the dental professional uses a tool known as scaler to remove it from around your gum-line. You will hear scraping that may concern you, however this is perfectly normal. The more the plaque buildup in your mouth, the more time the professional will require to do the scraping.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Painless Root Canal Treatment by Best Dentist Clinic in Jaipur

Understanding what’s a Root Canal
Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment refers to the analysis & treatment methods involved in order to repair or save a damaged/infected tooth.
The procedures involved in a root canal treatment primarily lay emphasis on removing the damaged nerve or damaged area (pulp) of the tooth, cleansing, disinfecting, filling & sealing it to save the infected tooth, rather than extracting it. Endodontic treatment is performed by a root canal dentist or an endodontist.

When is a Root Canal Needed?
Root canal treatment is required when the interior (pulp) of the tooth that houses numerous blood vessels, nerves & connective tissues, becomes defiled, inflamed & swollen.  
The centre part of the tooth (pulp) can become infected with bacteria due to an injury or an acute untreated cavity in the tooth. Other common causes of a tooth infection include cavities in teeth due to cumulated plaque, broken or cracked tooth, certain gum diseases or repeated treatment of a particular tooth.
Such issues can lead to pulp inflammation, tooth infection & damage the pulp to a large extent. The patient may at times experience tormenting pain in the infected tooth. The pain may alleviate when the centre part (pulp) dies, however it may return & become agonizing as the infection spreads to other teeth.
In case you are experiencing a toothache or pain in the gums, it is advisable to visit root canal dentist at Vaishali dental hospital Jaipur.

Symptoms of Root Canal Infection
The symptoms that may indicate that root canal treatment is required by a person are:
1.      Pain while chewing or biting food.
2.      Pain during intake of fluids or while eating hot or cold food.
3.      Infection in the pulp indicated by a loose tooth.
4.      Swollen face & gum or in the surrounding area of the infected tooth.
5.      Decaying & blackening of a tooth.
6.      Discharge of pus or sanies from the infected tooth.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Causes, Prevention and Remedies

As Child’s baby teeth are temporary their oral hygiene is often overlooked by parents. Parents often strive to raise health-savvy kids, and teach them good oral and dental health. However, they do not realize that good oral hygiene doesn’t just begin when they gain full set of teeth. Regular visits to best dentist in Jaipur are deemed essential for maintenance of healthy teeth and gums in children and adults.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Definition and Causes?


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is often referred to tooth decay in infants or very young children.

The condition mainly arises on consumption of sweetened liquids or substances with natural sugars (like milk, formula, and fruit juice) for a prolonged time. When baby’s teeth and gums are exposed to the sugary liquids for hours, it clings to their teeth. Bacteria in the mouth thrive on this sugar & secrete acid that attack the teeth & lead to premature tooth decay. Regularly visiting best dentist in Jaipur to monitor your child’s oral health can avoid major dental health issues.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay also occurs when parents use pacifiers dipped in sugar or syrup for their children. When an infant is given a sugary drink at nap time, chances of developing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay elevates as saliva production is inhibited during sleep. Although Baby bottle tooth decay typically occurs in the upper front teeth, other teeth may also be affected.

Symptoms of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Some of the early signs of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay include:

* White spots on the surface of teeth or on the gum line.
* Tooth sensitivity and pain.

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Friday 2 November 2018

Bruxism (grinding or clenching of teeth): Symptoms & Treatment

Bruxism is a condition where you grind, clench or gnashes your teeth unconsciously when you are awake (Awake Bruxism) or during sleep (sleeps Bruxism).

Medical research reveals that people who keep their emotions to themselves are likely to express it in some other ways.  Bruxism could be a result of a person’s hidden aggressions, anxieties, and fears. Suffering from this oral issue also depicts that a person is prone to other sleep disorders such as snoring and pauses in breathing (sleep apnea).

Bruxism can be severe enough to lead to headaches, jaw disorders, damaged teeth etc.  Hence you are recommended to immediately visit the best dental clinic in Jaipur and undergo proper treatment by best dentist in Jaipur to get rid of this oral problem at the earliest.

Signs & Symptoms of Bruxism

If you suffer from sleep Bruxism, you may remain unaware of this unless it develops severe complications.  Hence it is required that you be acquainted with the signs and symptoms of Bruxism and visit best dental hospital in Jaipur to seek regular dental care.

These include:

1. Grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep sometimes detected by a partner or parents. The sound is loud enough and can awake your sleeping partner.
2. Flattening, chipping, fracturing or loosening of teeth.
3. Increased tooth sensitivity or pain.
4. Worn tooth enamel that exposes deep layer of your tooth resulting in increased tooth sensitivity or pain.
5. Dull headache beginning in the temples.
6. Tenderness, pain or fatigue in jaws and face that may get worsened during jaw movement.
7. Pain that appears like an earache but is not a problem with your ears.
8. Restricted mouth Opening
9. Sleep disruption.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above or any other concern related to teeth or jaw visit the best dental clinic in Jaipur and get treated by the best dentist.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Get Invisible Braces from Elite Vaishali Dental Hospital Jaipur

Malocclusions or Crooked teeth refer to the misalignment of the dental arches between the teeth when the jaw is closed. Malocclusions may also be integrated with skeletal strife of the face, where the relation between upper & the lower jaw is not relevant. The term “malocclusion” was given by Edward Angle, the father of modern orthodontics.

Malocclusions may be seen as malformed, crowded or bulging out teeth that can impact a person’s appearance, speech, and/or ability to eat and chew.

Causes of Crooked Teeth:

Malocclusions is often attributed to hereditary factors, however it may be acquired on the different stages of life. Apart from genetics & poor jaw development, modern research has fabricated evidences that points to other causes.

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Monday 8 October 2018


Shark teeth refer to a condition wherein a child develops two rows of teeth in their mouth- the original primary or baby teeth and an extra set of incoming permanent teeth.
Under normal circumstances, children begin to lose their baby teeth at an age of around 5 to 7. The process of loss of baby teeth is directly proportional to its development. The earlier the baby teeth develop, the earlier they fall out. The order of fall depends on the order they came in and it normally starts with the center tooth.

How do Shark Teeth Occur?

Sometimes the original baby teeth won’t budge and child’s permanent set of teeth begin to develop. As a result to accommodate this new set of permanent teeth, another row of teeth is developed. The child’s permanent teeth are forced out of position, leading to future problems.