Monday, 23 April 2018


Dental issues are something that most people suffer from but the flipside is that they can be easily prevented. This article focuses on the most common dental issues experienced by a good sized part of the population and the means to prevent them.

The first dental issue that most people suffer from is bad breath. The means to overcome this solution is to brush regularly at least twice a day. The issue is caused due to the bacteria that is left over from food and if the teeth is not cleaned, plague is built up and this causes bad breath in addition to a whole set of other dental issues.

Tooth decay or cavities are another dental issue that afflict many people. This issue gains momentum when the plague that arises as a result of not cleaning teeth properly combines with the sugar in the food that we consume and the result is cavities that eventually lead to tooth decay.

Periodontal disease is the infection of gums and this is something to be wary about as this disease may also be the tip of the ice berg that opens up a whole new set of diseases like heart issues, strokes, diabetes etc.
Mouth sores are dental issues that arise when a person consumes very spicy food or takes in alcohol or other harmful drugs and chemicals. These sores are annoying and last for a couple of weeks from the time they occur. Following a healthy lifestyle with the consumption of healthy food is the key to good oral health.

It is reputed that the best dentists are in Jaipur as they offer painless dental treatment. These famous dentists in Jaipur are also well known for the polite and courteous manner with which they deal with their patients.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Factors to consider while choosing a good doctor

Dentists are doctors we rush to when we have a problem with our teeth or gums. They are important as their work involves maintaining the pristine white teeth of humans so that their confidence never wavers. This article focuses on the things to be considered before choosing a dentist.

It is a proven fact that a person will return to a dentist he feels comfortable with. So the first step in looking for a dentist is to see if the patient is comfortable with the dentist or not. The patient, when he sits on that chair and allows the dentist to work on him, entrusts the dentist with his very appearance and this element of trust should be given in a comfortable manner without any lingering fear or doubt. The rapport a patient shares with the dentist ensures a feeling of comfort is experienced by the patient sitting in that chair.

Secondly, looking at the credentials of the dentist and the degrees he holds from recognised institutions proves his dedication to the field and his desire to help people. And people generally tend to entrust themselves to doctors who are more qualified over others.

The number of years of experience the dentist under question has is also to be looked into and the number of exceptional cases he has dealt with would also give an idea into the capability of the dentist. Getting feedback from friends, family or relatives or others who have been helped by the dentist would also go a long way in forming an opinion about the dentist.

The proximity to the dental clinic from the patient’s place of residence is also to be considered. It is a proven fact that the bestdentists in Jaipur are experts in painless dental treatment and the patients who visit these most experienced dentists do so without a feeling of fear or trepidation in them.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Major causes of teeth sensitivity you shouldn’t ignore

Teeth sensitivity is one of the major problems for adults all around the globe. Teeth sensitivity is one of the major issues for people in every corner of the world. It can really hurt and make it difficult for you to have some of your favourite eatables. The dentists in Jaipur have listed down the top reasons which contribute to this sensitivity, here are the major ones:

  • Long-term use of average quality mouthwash. The top dentists in Jaipur have recommended not to use any random over the counter mouthwash and chose a reputed one.
  • Past dental procedures such as root canal, Crown replacement and many other tooth restoration procedures. Generally, the pain from such issues disappears within four to six weeks but in some cases, it can take longer than that which leads to tooth sensitivity.
  • Plaque Buildup
  • Acidic foods which encourage enamel reduction.
  • The habit of teeth grinding or teeth clenching which can lead to wearing down of enamel.
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing too hard can also wear down the enamel which exposes the dentin.
  • Cracked teeth is yet another way through which sensitivity can occur. These teeth can become filled with bacteria from plaque that can cause inflammation in the pulp of the tooth.
  • Gum recession is yet another cause of tooth sensitivity. It happens in people who suffer from periodontal diseases.
  • Excessive use of tooth whitening products can also result to sensitivity issues. These products contain harsh chemicals which can remove the enamel from the teeth.
  • Gingivitis is a mild gum disease which causes swelling, irritation and redness. This medical condition can lead to exposure of the tooth’s root which in turn leads to teeth sensitivity.

These are the major causes of teeth sensitivity which you shouldn’t ignore at any cost. So, take care of these major concerns to save your teeth from sensitivity. If you are already suffering from teeth sensitivity then it’s important for you to get a quality dental treatment and book dentist appointment now.
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