Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Painless Root Canal Treatment by Best Dentist Clinic in Jaipur

Understanding what’s a Root Canal
Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment refers to the analysis & treatment methods involved in order to repair or save a damaged/infected tooth.
The procedures involved in a root canal treatment primarily lay emphasis on removing the damaged nerve or damaged area (pulp) of the tooth, cleansing, disinfecting, filling & sealing it to save the infected tooth, rather than extracting it. Endodontic treatment is performed by a root canal dentist or an endodontist.

When is a Root Canal Needed?
Root canal treatment is required when the interior (pulp) of the tooth that houses numerous blood vessels, nerves & connective tissues, becomes defiled, inflamed & swollen.  
The centre part of the tooth (pulp) can become infected with bacteria due to an injury or an acute untreated cavity in the tooth. Other common causes of a tooth infection include cavities in teeth due to cumulated plaque, broken or cracked tooth, certain gum diseases or repeated treatment of a particular tooth.
Such issues can lead to pulp inflammation, tooth infection & damage the pulp to a large extent. The patient may at times experience tormenting pain in the infected tooth. The pain may alleviate when the centre part (pulp) dies, however it may return & become agonizing as the infection spreads to other teeth.
In case you are experiencing a toothache or pain in the gums, it is advisable to visit root canal dentist at Vaishali dental hospital Jaipur.

Symptoms of Root Canal Infection
The symptoms that may indicate that root canal treatment is required by a person are:
1.      Pain while chewing or biting food.
2.      Pain during intake of fluids or while eating hot or cold food.
3.      Infection in the pulp indicated by a loose tooth.
4.      Swollen face & gum or in the surrounding area of the infected tooth.
5.      Decaying & blackening of a tooth.
6.      Discharge of pus or sanies from the infected tooth.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Causes, Prevention and Remedies

As Child’s baby teeth are temporary their oral hygiene is often overlooked by parents. Parents often strive to raise health-savvy kids, and teach them good oral and dental health. However, they do not realize that good oral hygiene doesn’t just begin when they gain full set of teeth. Regular visits to best dentist in Jaipur are deemed essential for maintenance of healthy teeth and gums in children and adults.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Definition and Causes?


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is often referred to tooth decay in infants or very young children.

The condition mainly arises on consumption of sweetened liquids or substances with natural sugars (like milk, formula, and fruit juice) for a prolonged time. When baby’s teeth and gums are exposed to the sugary liquids for hours, it clings to their teeth. Bacteria in the mouth thrive on this sugar & secrete acid that attack the teeth & lead to premature tooth decay. Regularly visiting best dentist in Jaipur to monitor your child’s oral health can avoid major dental health issues.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay also occurs when parents use pacifiers dipped in sugar or syrup for their children. When an infant is given a sugary drink at nap time, chances of developing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay elevates as saliva production is inhibited during sleep. Although Baby bottle tooth decay typically occurs in the upper front teeth, other teeth may also be affected.

Symptoms of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Some of the early signs of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay include:

* White spots on the surface of teeth or on the gum line.
* Tooth sensitivity and pain.

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Friday, 2 November 2018

Bruxism (grinding or clenching of teeth): Symptoms & Treatment

Bruxism is a condition where you grind, clench or gnashes your teeth unconsciously when you are awake (Awake Bruxism) or during sleep (sleeps Bruxism).

Medical research reveals that people who keep their emotions to themselves are likely to express it in some other ways.  Bruxism could be a result of a person’s hidden aggressions, anxieties, and fears. Suffering from this oral issue also depicts that a person is prone to other sleep disorders such as snoring and pauses in breathing (sleep apnea).

Bruxism can be severe enough to lead to headaches, jaw disorders, damaged teeth etc.  Hence you are recommended to immediately visit the best dental clinic in Jaipur and undergo proper treatment by best dentist in Jaipur to get rid of this oral problem at the earliest.

Signs & Symptoms of Bruxism

If you suffer from sleep Bruxism, you may remain unaware of this unless it develops severe complications.  Hence it is required that you be acquainted with the signs and symptoms of Bruxism and visit best dental hospital in Jaipur to seek regular dental care.

These include:

1. Grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep sometimes detected by a partner or parents. The sound is loud enough and can awake your sleeping partner.
2. Flattening, chipping, fracturing or loosening of teeth.
3. Increased tooth sensitivity or pain.
4. Worn tooth enamel that exposes deep layer of your tooth resulting in increased tooth sensitivity or pain.
5. Dull headache beginning in the temples.
6. Tenderness, pain or fatigue in jaws and face that may get worsened during jaw movement.
7. Pain that appears like an earache but is not a problem with your ears.
8. Restricted mouth Opening
9. Sleep disruption.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above or any other concern related to teeth or jaw visit the best dental clinic in Jaipur and get treated by the best dentist.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Get Invisible Braces from Elite Vaishali Dental Hospital Jaipur

Malocclusions or Crooked teeth refer to the misalignment of the dental arches between the teeth when the jaw is closed. Malocclusions may also be integrated with skeletal strife of the face, where the relation between upper & the lower jaw is not relevant. The term “malocclusion” was given by Edward Angle, the father of modern orthodontics.

Malocclusions may be seen as malformed, crowded or bulging out teeth that can impact a person’s appearance, speech, and/or ability to eat and chew.

Causes of Crooked Teeth:

Malocclusions is often attributed to hereditary factors, however it may be acquired on the different stages of life. Apart from genetics & poor jaw development, modern research has fabricated evidences that points to other causes.

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Monday, 8 October 2018


Shark teeth refer to a condition wherein a child develops two rows of teeth in their mouth- the original primary or baby teeth and an extra set of incoming permanent teeth.
Under normal circumstances, children begin to lose their baby teeth at an age of around 5 to 7. The process of loss of baby teeth is directly proportional to its development. The earlier the baby teeth develop, the earlier they fall out. The order of fall depends on the order they came in and it normally starts with the center tooth.

How do Shark Teeth Occur?

Sometimes the original baby teeth won’t budge and child’s permanent set of teeth begin to develop. As a result to accommodate this new set of permanent teeth, another row of teeth is developed. The child’s permanent teeth are forced out of position, leading to future problems.

Saturday, 15 September 2018


Do you know when a smile flares across your face our body releases many hormones like endorphins and dopamine? These hormones provide numerous health benefits. Here are some of the honorary:
  • Lowers your Blood pressure
  • Relieves Stress and Pain
  • Boost Your Immune System
  • Meliorates your mood

Assuredly, your smile is the key to your overall health and it is obvious to be anxious about this important asset. Today you can trust your smile to a leading esthetic dentist in JaipurThe MDS dentist Vaishali Nagar Jaipur understands exactly what you want in a smile and helps you to protect your pearly white through the ages.

Thursday, 30 August 2018


Do you find the shine of your smile fading away with time? Are you striving to keep the teeth white and clean? The plus point is that an organized and systematic approach can resolve your problem. If you feel good about your teeth and the way they look, you will tend to smile wider and bigger. It will create an ambiance of happiness, after all, who does not want to be happy? You can get teeth whitening tips online or you can visit best teeth whitening dentist in Jaipur.

Let us find out what best teeth whitening is?

The everyday ways of keeping the teeth healthy are brushing and flossing. Still, if you observe that your smile is missing the sparkle or your teeth are turning yellow, teeth whitening is one of the best solution.

Best Teeth whitening are an effective way of conserving natural color of the teeth by removing stains and discoloration from the surface of the teeth. It is one of the popular cosmetic dental procedures as it greatly improves the look of your teeth. The products used in teeth whitening use one of the tooth bleaches (hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide).

How to Do Best Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening provides you two options: In-office based teeth whitening or at-home based teeth whitening. However, it is recommended to consult your dentist before you get started with teeth whitening procedure, as the whiteners may not correct all the types of discoloration.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Get the Successful Treatment of Gum Disease by Famous Dentist in Jaipur

People mistakenly take the meaning of Oral hygiene as preventive activities undertaken to avoid oral problems like tooth decay, tooth sensitivity, tooth erosion, tooth cavity and everything else that revolves around teeth.

They completely overlook the importance of Gums and the role they play in both your oral and overall health. Gums are soft tissues that act as a shield for roots of your teeth. The tissue forms a tight seal around your teeth and acts a barrier to bacteria. It is therefore vital to undergo regular dental checkups and undertake treatment for gum disease as soon as you detect signs of gum infection.

The importance of gums can be well understood by learning the consequences of receding gums.

1. The tooth root is exposed and becomes hypersensitive to high and low temperatures.

2.  Plaque, gum inflammation and tooth decay begin to develop.

3.  Gum diseases like GINGIVITIS and PERIODONTITIS prevail. If not treated on time it may eventually lead to tooth loss and other health problems.

Monday, 20 August 2018


Your smile is your ticket to the world and an inexpensive way to improve your looks. People often caption your smile and include terms like stained teeth, crooked teeth and yellow teeth. The good news is that there are a number of corrective options to keep the teeth white and clean. Get the teeth whitening services online or by visiting a famous dentist in Jaipur.


Here are some of the teeth whitening tips:

1. Brushing the Teeth with Baking Soda:

With natural whitening properties, baking soda is used as a popular ingredient in the commercial toothpastes. It can be used to scrub away the teeth surface stains.

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Thursday, 16 August 2018

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

Oral health and heart health are correlated. Though there is no evidence to prove this, but studies reveal that there is a definite link between oral disease and systemic diseases including coronary heart diseases. Taking good care of your mouth, gums and teeth is therefore indispensable.

People may wonder as to how the health of your mouth is related to the overall health of your body.  Most of them are not aware of the fact that a look inside your mouth or a swab of saliva is an indicator of what’s going on inside your body.

Our mouth is a window that depicts the health of the entire body. It serves as a vantage point to detect signs and symptoms of diseases that you are suffering from. Systemic diseases like diabetes, AIDS for instance often first become apparent as mouth lesions or with other oral problems. According to General Dentistry Academy, 90% of the systemic diseases can be predicted from oral signs and symptoms.

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Friday, 3 August 2018


Teeth can break due to an accident or fall off due to gum diseases leaving a person bereft of their natural teeth. A person can choose different types of dental implants procedures to get new teeth implanted in the mouth in place of the old ones that have broken or are missing at a dental implant clinic.

Getting a Dental implant helps the patient to retain the use of their teeth. A dental Implant contains an artificial tooth root which comes in a cylindrical, conical or straight shape. The Dental Implant is then fixed inside the jaw bone to allow the artificial tooth root to integrate with the bone.

Dental Implants are often made with titanium or titanium alloy metal. Chemical coatings are used on these implants for better stability and bone integration with the jaw bone. Artificial teeth get a stable support from the dental implants because they are able to fuse with the jaw bone. This provides support for dentures and bridges which can be mounted on dental implants easily without any instability.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018


Do you have a sweet tooth? Do your teeth cringe in pain every time you try to enjoy a sweet treat? It means that the enamel of your teeth is damaged. This makes your teeth sensitive to sweets and other food. Teeth sensitive to sugar can be treated by undergoing dental treatment by visiting best dentist in Jaipur.
Causes of Teeth Sensitivity to Sugar
The inside of your tooth is primarily made of Dentin. It is protected by hard outer layer of enamel. The portion of dentin extending down the root is protected by a layer of cementum. When this protective layer of enamel or cementum erodes, nerve endings are left exposed causing dentin hypersensitivity or nerve irritation on consumption of hot, cold, sticky or acidic food.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Tooth erosion is caused due to:
  • Consumption of highly acidic foods and beverages.
  • Brushing aggressively with hard toothbrush having a hard grip.
  • Grinding teeth at night.
  • Receding gums that leave the tooth surface exposed.
  • Broken teeth, tooth decay or leaky fillings leave the dentin of the tooth exposed resulting in teeth sensitivity.
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Saturday, 21 July 2018


Teeth play an important role not only for food digestion but also contribute to a person’s physical appearance. Having a set of well structured healthy teeth boosts a person’s self confidence. Greeting people with a smile is deemed to be social and enable others to get along with a person with a smiling face. Having a healthy set of teeth is important not only for sustenance but also for social allure and interaction. So it is our foremost duty to take care of them and keep them healthy to avoid serious problem. The best way to do so is to undergo regular dental checkup under the supervision of best dentist in Jaipur.

Let us discuss about the most prevalent oral problem and its remedies in detail:


Improper placement of teeth is a major concern of people in their early age. It affects the patient’s physical “orofacial” appearance. Treatment taken on time helps in adjusting the facial appearance during sensitive years of a child. Dentists usually recommend placement of braces to recover from problems like crooked or crowded teeth, underbites, overbites, incorrect jaw position and disorders of the jaw joints.
Now the question arises as to what is the right time to for braces?
An ideal time for the placement of braces is between 10 to 14 years of age. During this time teeth are still in the development stage. This enables positioning teeth without much pain. A visit to dental hospital in Jaipur and consulting the doctors over there prior to making any decision helps in a long run.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Oral Treatment for a Perfect Smile | Best Dentist in Jaipur

Ever wished for a mesmerizing smile? The one that wins every heart without saying a single word! We all dream for that flawless smile without realizing that it is only a few steps ahead! A few steps towards oral hygiene and right dental care by the best dentist in Jaipur!
Practicing the picture perfect smile has been an important part of our daily chores! You may easily visualize the eternal search for that smile in the mirror every day after brushing! Yet only a few lucky ones are able to achieve that feeling of eternal blessings bestowed!

We all know the importance of a smiling face! A smile can make anyone’s day! It is first trick to provide comfort to a lonely child afraid of unknown faces on the first day to school! It is a replacement to the lost confidence! It can fill life in a dead soul! It can lift the weight of stressful moments!  It can be used to defuse tense situations and to win favorable outcomes of any discussion!
With the increasing awareness of oral hygiene, People have started taking their dental issues with seriousness! The quest to get the best dentist in Jaipur has to offer is the next big question!
Thankfully, Dental clinics in Jaipur has broken the unending search of jaipurites for perfecting their smile! With Technological superiority & expertise of the most experienced dentist, Dental Clinics have definitely become a source to get that dazzling smile!

Thursday, 12 July 2018


Many Kids face misalignment in their teeth during the growth years of the human body. It is a common problem and kids are recommended Dental Braces to align their teeth perfectly. People with crooked teeth are seen in a negative light even if they have proper dental hygiene. Consult the top dentist in Jaipur if your child has crooked teeth. Here are some things that should be taken care of, before getting Dental Braces.
Teenage Years are The Best Time Frame for Getting Braces
Children start getting new adult teeth during their teens. If your child has teeth which are crooked and misaligned then you should consider braces at the earliest. Getting braces during these years is better because the face is undergoing growth. It is much easier to align the teeth as the tissue is able to shape up accordingly to the pressure applied by the braces.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Root Canal is a term that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who has experienced tooth pain. Tooth Pain is one of the most severe forms of pain that a person experiences during their lifetime. Many people avoid root canal and prefer to get their teeth replaced by false teeth. But, this is a misconception as anything natural cannot be replaced with an artificial object. Even the Best dentist in Jaipur will advise you to undergo a root canal treatment to treat the injury or infection, rather than get the entire tooth pulled out.
A root canal operation can help you prolong the life of the infected tooth by many years. Getting a root canal is only as painful as getting a cavity filled, which is almost negligible.

A root canal is deemed necessary by a best dentist in Jaipur when the tooth decay has progressed to a stage where the infection and decay have reached the dentin, the layer under the enamel. The decay starts affecting the pulp which contains the nerve structure and causes inflammation in the tooth. The decay causes pain and swelling at the tip of the root of the tooth. The patient starts feeling the pain only after the decay and inflammation has seeped deep into the tooth.
A root canal procedure combines the following procedure:

Friday, 11 May 2018

Why and how to take a good dental hygiene from the earliest childhood?

Taking care of your oral hygiene is crucial, but it can sometimes be complicated to take care of your child's oral hygiene, especially since the fear of the dentist is often present during childhood. But even if it is sometimes necessary to insist with your child, it is imperative to take care of his dental health, by taking him regularly to the dentist, by checking the brushing of his teeth etc..

Our teeth and smile condition our lives on many levels. Indeed, a dental infection or other untreated dental problem can trigger or aggravate serious pathologies, and potentially affect certain organs, such as the eyes, heart, muscles or sinus. On the other hand, teeth also play an important role in aesthetics. They can be at the origin of the first signs of aging by causing the face to sag and wrinkles to deepen. The smile also impacts our emotional relationships. With a beautiful smile, everything is easier! So it is important to take care of your teeth, and very regularly, from the earliest childhood.  
Every child needs good teeth to be able to chew and eat the food they need to develop, but also because it is essential for the proper development of language and self-esteem. His future health depends on it, so don't underestimate the importance of seeing a dentistry for children and having good oral hygiene.
If you want to avoid unnecessary suffering for your child and costly care, it is much better to take care of his dental hygiene very early. This will avoid a whole lot of problems and your child will be very grateful to you later, with a beautiful smile and perfect white teeth.
It is important to teach your children the right reflexes as early as possible and the habit of seeing a dentist. You will thus avoid them heavier and more expensive care in the future. Children's teeth are much easier to correct or treat than adult teeth. So don't wait and make a dentist appointment for your child so he or she doesn't have any health problems.

As parents, it is your role to take care of your child's dental health. There are many things you can do to keep him healthy. First, you can prevent cavities by limiting sugar intake and making sure your child gets enough fluoride, by giving him fluoride toothpaste or food.

Brushing your teeth is a crucial step for optimal health. You must use an adapted material that means a brush with soft bristles with a small head for the youngest and toothpaste weakly concentrated in fluoride before 2 years. It is important to get your baby used to brushing in the first years of life so that it becomes part of his routine. You must also make sure your child's teeth are brushed at least twice a day.

The most important part for your child's dental care is of course a regular appointment with a dentist. This will be able to bring to your child the best oral surgery treatment and solve all problems but also make the child responsible for his oral health, teach him why certain habits like sucking his thumb or a pacifier are harmful. Without the follow-up of a dentist, your child's oral cavity, whose oral hygiene is not yet perfect, can easily accumulate problems. You can take your baby to the dentist as soon as his first tooth appears and then a visit every 6 months is strongly recommended.

If you need gum disease treatment or any other dental treatment, you have a wide choice of orthodontist in Jaipur available to you. The dentists of Vaishali nagar are among the best and most experienced dentists in Jaipur.

Resource Link:- http://www.topjaipurdentist.com/why-and-how-to-take-a-good-dental-hygiene-from-the-earliest-childhood/